The Component Tracking program (formerly known as CEPM) is a multi-phase, multi-year initiative to create an industry process and related technology tools for capturing railcar equipment component data. 

Component Tracking allows manufacturers to register their components so they can be associated with railroad equipment later in Umler®. Users can report the association of these components via the component registry, Car Repair Billing (CRB), and Railinc web services. Because Railinc tracks both components and equipment, this allows tracking for recalls. Examples of components include:

  • Slack Adjusters
  • Brake Valve Control Systems
  • Side Frames, Bolsters and Couplers
  • Wheelsets
  • Pressure Relief Valves
  • Cushioning Units

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Component Tracking Task Demos

Railinc has developed specific task-related demos to help you learn the core functions of the Component Tracking application. Each demo takes approximately three minutes or less to view.

For additional assistance with these tasks, consult the Component Tracking User Guide and the Quick Guides available in the Component Tracking Reference Materials section below.

Component Tracking Capabilities

The Component Tracking program gives rail carriers, equipment owners, shops and other industry participants unprecedented visibility into the health status and history of equipment and components to identify wear and failure trends and improve the recall process.

Component Tracking Delivers Three Primary Benefits

  1. Safety: The rail industry will achieve greater visibility into the current and historical health status of rail equipment at the component level, enabling users to identify failure trends, improve the recall process and improve rail safety.
  2. Productivity: Tracking component information from manufacture to application means that recalls will be issued faster and with greater confidence that only specific equipment with identified safety issues are included. More effective recalls mean the right equipment stays in service for longer periods.
  3. Reduced Costs: The capability provided through the Component Tracking program will ensure more targeted recalls and reduce administrative burdens associated with recalls. Industry participants will benefit from the reduced costs associated with this new recall process.

More Data, Deeper Insight, Better Decisions

Users get a broad view of equipment health and performance, providing critical data that can help equipment owners, shops, reconditioners and other rail industry participants make decisions that improve safety, lower costs and lead to more efficient and effective operations. Through the Component Tracking program:

Equipment Owners Can

  • Improve equipment productivity and asset utilization
  • Make more informed fleet management decisions
  • Validate billing more effectively
  • Better plan fleet maintenance

Wheel Shops Can

  • Access higher quality data on components that they refurbish
  • Improve resource planning and supply chain management by identifying application rates
  • Query and review tagged components

Repair Shops Can

  • Improve maintenance planning and prioritize work
  • Apply registered wheelsets, side frames, bolsters and couplers
  • Reconcile work with system records through daily reports
  • Query applied and removed wheelset, side frame, bolster and coupler details

Original Equipment Manufacturers Can

  • Request special reports on component data
  • Get greater insight into the quality and failure rate of the components they produce
  • Issue smaller, more effective recalls

Reconditioners and Classifers Can

  • Access higher quality data on the components they recondition
  • Seed new component registrations
  • Query and review tagged components

Third-Party Software Providers

  • Integrate component registry capabilities with their products
  • Create new, value-added products and services for their customers

Get Started with Component Tracking

Railinc is providing a variety of resources to help you get started with Component Tracking. Here is how you can learn about the program and its benefits:

  • Participate in Railinc-Sponsored Webinars—Railinc holds occasional Component Tracking webinars that cover topics related to the component registry and specific components. Dates and descriptions will be available on the Component Tracking Training page and via email notifications.
  • Review the Component Tracking Training Resources—The web demo in Component Tracking Training provides an overview of the Component Tracking program. Slides from past webinars provide overviews the program and associated tasks.
  • Review the Component Registry User Guide and Other Technical Documentation—Review the reference materials and technical documentation in Component Tracking Reference Materials.
  • Review the Page Associated with Your Business—Pages are available for wheel shopsrepair shopsoriginal equipment manufacturers and software providers.

Component Tracking Reference Materials

Reference materials play an important role in helping you understand the Component Tracking program and the Umler Component Registry. Below are some essential resources for doing work in component registry. See the Component Tracking Training section for additional resources.

Component Tracking User Guide (.pdf) – This is a key resource for understanding how to accomplish Component Tracking tasks. The guide lists topics in the order they appear in the Umler user interface.

Component Tracking Quick Guides (.pdf) –

Advanced Query User Guide (.pdf)  This resource provides guidance on searching the Umler Equipment Registry, the Umler Component Registry and Car Repair Billing using the Advanced Query application.

Umler Component Registry Reference Files (.xls) – This spreadsheet contains much of the data that supports the wheelsets and side frames, bolsters and couplers phases of the Component Tracking program. It provides an offline reference resource for data elements used in the Umler Component Registry.

Side Frames, Bolsters and Couplers FAQs (.pdf) – These frequently asked questions provide a quick reference resource for the Component Tracking program and side frames, bolsters and couplers phase.

Wheelsets FAQs (.pdf) – These frequently asked questions provide a quick reference resource for the Component Tracking program and the wheelsets phase.

Data Specification Manual (.pdf) – This document supports the wheelsets and side frames, bolsters and couplers phases. It is helpful to users who are in the process of adding or modifying components. Each data element is described in detail to assist users. Data element descriptions, permissible values, and rules for data entry are provided to assist users in accurate data entry.

CSV Upload Guide (.pdf) – This document provides guidance for component registry users who want to enter information into a spreadsheet offline and upload the data for component registrations and changes.

CSV Upload Templates (.zip) – These sample templates contain the expected CSV file layout for component registrations and associations and are for users interested in performing component registrations and or associations via a CSV file. See the CSV Upload Guide for details.

Bar Code Suppliers  A number of companies produce preprinted barcodes, including DatalogicIndiginaBarcode ID SystemsZebra and Wheel Shop Automation.

Industry Timelines (.pdf) – This table identifies the mandatory registration and rejection dates for new components as they are added to the component registry. Please refer to the AAR Field Manual for details on association requirements.

Pressure Relief Valve Data Glossary (.xlsx) - This document contains a detailed description of each data element for the Pressure Relief Valve component.

Component Tracking Training

Railinc has training resources and reference materials to help rail industry participants learn about the Component Tracking program and associated tasks. Railinc strongly recommends that industry participants watch the program overview demo, review slides from past webinars, and review reference materials and technical documentation. Be sure to turn on/up your speakers to hear the presentations. See Reference Materials for additional resources.

Component Tracking Program Overview Video
The Component Tracking program (formerly known as CEPM) is a multi-phase, multi-year initiative to create an industry process and related technology tools for capturing data around railcar equipment components. This video covers the following topics:

  • Component Tracking program objectives
  • Component Tracking program benefits
  • Component Tracking process flow
  • Industry timelines

Component Tracking Webinar Resources
Since the launch of the Component Tracking program in 2011, Railinc has offered free webinars to help industry participants learn critical component tracking tasks and meet associated industry requirements. The slides from past webinars, posted below, present an overview the program and related processes.

  • Field/Partial Registration of Wheelsets: This session covers the process for how to register in your inventory a wheelset that does not have an existing barcode from the wheelshop. Click here to download slides from this webinar.
  • Associating a Component: This session provides an understanding of the requirements needed to associate a component to a piece of equipment via CRB, EHMS or the Umler system. Click here to download slides from this webinar.
  • Component Registration of Side Frames, Bolsters and Couplers: This session discusses component registration of side frames, bolsters and couplers and will cover the reporting of these components in the application. Click here to download slides from this webinar.
  • Introduction to CEPM-Wheelsets and Barcoding Specifications: This session covers basic information about the program's Wheelsets phase and how to begin registering components. Click here to download the slides from this webinar.
  • Component Registration Requirements for Wheel Shops and OEMs: This session provides wheel shops and OEMs with an overview of requirements associated with component registration, component barcoding and data requirements. Click here to download the slides from this webinar.
  • OEM Barcoding, Wheel Shop Registration and Repair Shop Reporting Requirements for Component Tracking: This session covers barcoding requirements for OEMs, wheelset registration for wheel shops and reporting requirements for repair shops. Special attention was given to barcoding standards to help OEMs meet barcoding requirements. Click here to download the slides from this webinar.

Component Tracking for OEMs and Reconditioners

This page provides Component Tracking reference resources for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and reconditioners. OEMs and reconditioners provide barcode data based on standards that enable shops to register components with the information the rail industry requires for component tracking. This barcoding is the most effective and efficient way for OEMs and reconditioners to share component information with wheel shops.

Railinc highly recommends that OEMs and reconditioners:

  • Review Component Tracking Reference Materials
    Railinc has made available a variety of Component Tracking reference materials and technical documentation in Component Tracking Reference Materials. This documentation can help OEMs and reconditioners implement processes that ensure the data they provide to shops are accurate and conform to industry requirements.
  • Coordinate with Bar Code Suppliers
    OEMs and reconditioners should design their barcode process to capture data for each unique component they produce and to have the information printed on a barcode they will apply to component. A list of bar code suppliers is included in Component Tracking Reference Materials.
  • Review the Component Tracking Timeline
    Industry rules require OEMs and reconditioners to provide bar code data to shops to help them meet requirements for mandatory registration. Click here for the current Component Tracking timeline.

If you have questions about the Component Tracking program, contact the Railinc Customer Success Center.

Component Tracking for Repair Shops

This section provides information to help Repair Shops get started with component tracking. Repair shops are critical to the success of the program because they associate components with equipment. The component tracking work of repair shops helps the rail industry limit recalls to equipment that needs inspection or repair.

Railinc highly recommends that repair shops take the following steps when getting started with component tracking:

Step 1: Review Technical Documentation and Other Materials
Component Tracking Reference Materials provides links to technical documentation and other materials that will help you as you develop your repair shop's internal processes around reporting component changes.

Step 2: Decide on Reporting Process
Each repair shop must determine the best process for them to report component changes. If your shop has a low volume of repairs, reporting data through a CSV upload is likely optimal. Railinc has made available a CSV Upload Guide. If a shop has a high volume of repairs, it will be beneficial to report information via existing software or new automation processes.

Step 3: Coordinate with Your Software Vendor
Repair shops that use third-party software solutions should determine whether their software providers will support component tracking. Repair shops should work with their software providers to identify changes needed to existing products that will ensure they can meet industry requirements for reporting component changes.

Step 4: Apply for and Receive a Railinc Company Identifier
To use Car Repair Billing (CRB) and the Equipment Health Management System (EHMS), repair shops must first apply for and receive a Railinc Company Identifier. These codes help uniquely identify railroad-related industries, including repair shops. Examples of these identifiers include BNSF, C001 and AEX. To apply, visit the Company ID page. If you already have a Railinc Company Identifier, you do not need to apply for a new one.

Step 5: Register in Railinc Single Sign-On (SSO)
You must create a Railinc Single Sign-On (SSO) account to access CRB and EHMS . The SSO login is located at the top, right of this page. Click Register Here and follow the prompts to establish your account. You will receive an email confirmation of your profile, which you must verify within 14 days to unlock your account. If you already have an SSO account, you do not need to create a new one.

Step 6: Request Permission to Access CRB and EHMS
Once you have established an SSO account, you must request permission to access CRB and EHMS after you have logged on with your SSO account at Current CRB and EHMS users do not need to request access again.

Step 7: Log in to CRB, EHMS to Report Component Changes
After you have implemented your reporting process, you can log on with your SSO account at and report component IDs.

If you have questions about the Component Tracking program, contact the Railinc Customer Success Center.

Component Tracking for Software Providers

This section provides component tracking reference resources for software providers and an overview of actions they need to take as part of the Component Tracking program. Software providers' products help shops efficiently and effectively capture and report data that the rail industry require for component tracking.

Railinc highly recommends that software providers:

Step 1: Review Component Tracking Reference Materials
Railinc has made available a variety of component tracking reference materials and technical documentation in Component Tracking Reference Materials. These documents will help software providers understand the standards and specifications the industry require and ensure their products help their customers meet industry requirements.

Step 2: Review the Component Timeline
Software providers should be aware industry rules related to component tracking that affect their customers. Click here for the current Component Tracking timeline.

Step 3: Communicate with Customers
Communicate with your repair shop and wheel shop customers to ensure that they understand industry requirements related to component tracking and that you understand the role they expect you to play in helping them integrate processes and solutions.

Step 4: Arrange to Receive Railinc Data
Software providers must sign a contract to receive Railinc data via XML for Web Services. This integration provides the most efficient way for your customers to enter information into third-party systems and for that data to conform to industry requirements. For more information, contact Railinc customer support at 877-724-5462 or by emailing

Step 5: Apply for and Receive a Railinc Company Identifier
To access the Umler® system, Car Repair Billing (CRB) and the Equipment Health Management System (EHMS), software providers must first apply for and receive a Railinc Company Identifier. These codes help uniquely identify railroad-related industries, including repair shops. Examples of these identifiers include BNSF, C001 and AEX. To apply, visit the Company ID page. If you already have a Railinc Company Identifier, you do not need to apply for a new one.

Step 6: Register in Railinc Single Sign-On (SSO)
You must create a Railinc SSO account to access the Umler system, CRB and EHMS. The SSO login is located at the top, right of Click Register Here and follow the prompts to establish your account. You will receive an email confirmation of your profile, which you must verify within 14 days to unlock your account. If you already have an SSO account, you do not need to create a new one.

Step 7: Request Permission to Access the Umler System, CRB and EHMS
Once you have established an SSO account, you must request permission to access the Umler system, CRB and EHMS after you have logged on with your SSO account at Current Umler, CRB and EHMS users do not need to request access again.

Step 8: Test Your Component Tracking Software Solution with Customers
After a software provider implements its component tracking software solution, it should test the integration with customers

If you have questions about the Component Tracking program, contact the Railinc Customer Success Center.

Component Tracking for Wheel Shops

This section provides an overview of the steps that wheel shops need to take to start registering wheelsets in the Umler® Component Registry. These steps also are covered in detail in the User Guide.

Step 1: Review Technical Documentation and Other Materials
Railinc has made technical documentation available in Component Tracking Reference Materials that will help you as you develop your wheel shop's internal processes around wheelset registration.

Step 2: Apply for and Receive a Railinc Company Identifier
To use the Umler system, wheel shops must first apply for and receive a Railinc Company Identifier. These codes help uniquely identify railroad-related industries, including wheel shops. Examples of these identifiers include BNSF, C001 and AEX. To apply, visit the Company ID page. If you already have a Railinc Company Identifier, you do not need to apply for a new one.

Step 3: Register in Railinc Single Sign-On (SSO)
You must create a Railinc SSO account to access the Umler system. The SSO login is located at the top, right of Click Register Here and follow the prompts to establish your account. You will receive an email confirmation of your profile, which you must verify within 14 days to unlock your account. You can establish an SSO account anytime during 2011. If you already have an SSO account, you do not need to create a new one.

Step 4: Request Permission to Access the Umler System
Once you have established an SSO account, you must request permission to access the Umler system after you have logged on with your SSO account at Current Umler system users do not need to request access again. All Umler system users will see a menu button labeled Component Registry.

Step 5: Log on with Your SSO Account to Access the Umler System and Start Registering Wheelsets
After you have received the necessary permissions, you can log on to the Umler system with your SSO account at to begin registering wheelsets. Users will register wheelsets in the Umler system through a new menu button labeled Component Registry. You will register wheelsets by clicking Registration in the drop-down menu that appears when you click on Component Registry.

If you do not see Registration when you click Component Registry, you must request Component Maintenance Access from your company's Umler administrator or by contacting Railinc at 877-724-5462 or After you have access to the Registration option, you can begin registering wheelsets in the Umler system.

If you have questions about the Component Tracking program, contact the Railinc Customer Success Center.