Depending on user access, Tank Car Integrated Database provides the ability to create a new inspection, implement a batch import, and delete, edit, submit, or download an open inspection.  It was designed to consolidate the information on the AAR forms R-1, R-2, and stubsill inspections. Data Analysts can input data and run reports for their group.

Tank Car Integrated Database uses inspection templates to accurately report cracks found in the stubsill attachment welds.

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TCID Notice of Implementation

History of Implementation Notices

Notification IDNotice DateTarget Imp DateActual Imp DateDescriptionFiles Affected
NOI_0013Nov 14, 2019Nov 21, 2019Nov 21, 2019EIN Integration for increased report visibility. Enhanced Reporting tools to begin returning entire inspection histories on a car. Enhanced “View Inspections” screen to show the most recent 100,000 inspections instead of the most recent 500. Added, removed, or renamed permissible values for Weld and Shell/Sill sections. CSV upload now allows for bulk delete in addition to bulk submission. New error email attachment for easier error resolution. Integration with Umler to allow for value conflicts to be identified. New and Updated Documentation: TCID Data Specification Manual, TCID User Guide, Data Dependencies Matrix, Stub Sill Reporting Matrix, Theme 3 Value Changes, TCID Batch File Example, and AAR TCID Form.             
NOI_0012Feb 7, 2019Feb 12, 2019Feb 12, 2019Warnings on fields "Inspection Date Compartment No.", "Change Category", "Drawing No.", "AAR Approval Ref. No.", and "Drawing Comments" have been changed to Errors. Service History by Company reports have been enhanced to report all inspections. Padding Equipment Numbers with leading zeroes so that all inspection records appear. New and updated documentation: TCID Data Specification Manual, AAR Form TCID, December Webinar and accompanying slides.  
NOI_0011Nov 13, 2018Nov 13, 2018Nov 13, 2018TCID began hosting at Railinc with all prior data migrated from Sims PE TCID application. Permissible value changes of Failure Type "Corrosion–Random Pits" and "Corrosion–Grouped Pits" were added for all components in the Shell/Sill section and How Repair Weld values were changed to match How Repaired Sill values in the Weld section. Warning messages were added to optional fields. New and updated documentation: TCID User Guide, TCID Data Specification Manual, TCID Batch Example File, TCID Data Dependencies Matrix that includes all TCID Permissible Value Appendixes.      
NOI_0010Jun 15, 2018Jun 16, 2018Jun 16, 2018The option for UTLZBT will be added to the list of available stub sill designs. This design has been added to the UTC template, and will have all the codes listed for other designs within the same template, as shown in the Stub Sill Design Reporting Matrix. The Sill Design Template Mapping document has also been updated.    
NOI_0009Jan 3, 2018Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018Several stub sill design templates are being updated. Attached are the new templates, an updated sill design mapping document, the new reporting matrix, and a list of changes included in this NOI.      
NOI_0008Dec 12, 2017Mar 17, 2018Mar 18, 2018TCID will now allow for entering information for multi-compartment cars. A field is added to specify the number of compartments for each car, as well as which compartment is associated with each reported change or defect. For further details, refer to the updated User’s Manual and Batch Submission Specification. The TCID-1 form has also been updated to reflect these changes.      
NOI_0007Oct 8, 2017Jan 15, 2018Jan 15, 2018Per request from the industry, the 'INSPNAME' and 'CAROWNERREP' field names in the batch upload are being changed to 'SUBMITTEDBY' and 'MANAGEMENTREP' respectively. The batch upload specification and batch upload example have already been modified to reflect this change. 
NOI_0006Jan 10, 2017Apr 10, 2017Apr 9, 2017The “mileage” field of the TCID form will no longer accept a “0” value. For cars with unknown cumulative mileage, users should use an estimate. If no basis for the estimate is available, users should assume 18,000 miles per year the car has been in service. 
NOI_0005Jul 27, 2016Oct 25, 2016Oct 26, 2016Two new templates, CHT001 and TYT001, are being added to the database. The Stub Sill Design dependency matrix is changing accordingly, and a list of the changes is attached.     
NOI_0004Jul 22, 2016Oct 20, 2016Oct 25, 2016Shell/Sill Damage dependency options are changing per the attached matrix and list of changes. Attachment Weld Inspection "How Repaired" options are changing per the attached list of changes. Also included are updated versions of the User's Manual, Batch Upload Spec, and Batch Upload Example.
NOI_0003Apr 5, 2016Jul 4, 2016Jul 7, 2016Several of the templates used for stub sill inspection reporting have been revised. This will affect the valid crack location codes for the corresponding stub sill designs. Please review the attached templates for the codes that will be accepted as of the implementation date for this notice.      
NOI_0002Mar 3, 2016Jun 1, 2016Jun 13, 2016Revisions to car classification fields #4 – Stencil Class, #17 – Constructed Car Class, and #18 – Car Specification After Modification. The DOT designation will be removed from all 117 related codes. I.e. “DOT117A100W1” will become “117A100W1”. 
NOI_0001Jan 7, 2016Apr 6, 2016Apr 16, 2016Revisions to car classification fields #4, #17, and #18 based on CPC-1319.